Fleas have been around for millions of years, however there has been an explosion in the flea population over the last 20 years. This is because of climate change, and not only are there more fleas than in the past, modern fleas are resistant to pesticides that had been effective for years. Fipronil, marketed as Frontline among other brand names, simply isn’t effective now. In turn, intestinal parasites such as Tape Worms, which are caused by Fleas, also have had a population explosion, and they too are now tolerant to some long used toxins against them such as Fenbendazole, marketed under such brand names as Panacure C. This product is still effective against round, hook and whip worms, but not all Tapeworms. There are actually 7 species of the Tapeworm, and three of those species have become tolerant to Fenbendazole. Unfortunately and naturally, the three tolerant species are the most common form of Tapeworms. Praziquantel is effective against all species of tapeworms, as well as hook, whip and round worms.

As a result of the increase of Fleas and Tapeworms, many dog owners and especially Breeders, are administering Flea and Tick Meds ( which are toxic pesticides ) and Intestinal Parasite ( Worm ) Meds ( which are toxins ) to sub 8 week old puppies. The physiology of sub 8 week olds is simply too immature and fragile for such toxins. After years of study and research, it is my opinion that the high numbers of cases of Seizures, Degenerative Mylopathy, and intestinal disease, ( possible lending to cases of GDV – Bloat ) are the direct result of pre-8 week olds being given these toxins. Fleas on a sub 8 week old, as long as they are treated at 8 weeks will not harm a puppy. The following tapeworms, as long as eradicated within several weeks will not harm a puppy. However the Toxins can and usually do cause permanent damage.

Do NOT acquire a puppy that you now has been given these toxins before 8 weeks of age. If you are on a Breeders waiting list, tell them NOT to administer such toxins to your puppy. You will ALWAYS be in a better position to take home a flea ridden, wormy puppy versus a chemical / toxin loaded puppy. Remember that you can eliminate the Fleas and tapeworms and no harm done. But you can NOT undo any damage caused by the Toxins. While inconclusive, there is strong speculation that other dog diseases such as Liver, Kidney, and heart disease and damage, may be caused when a sub 8 week old is administered anti flea and anti intestinal parasite medications.